
Hiiii! I'm Helene, and if you're reading this, I somehow figured out how to make a website work! Look at me, I'm sooooo cool! Nah, just kidding. This is a personal site of mine, and I'm contstantly making edits. Please excuse any messiness.

My name is Helene (not really), and I want to use this space to write down my opinions, thoughts, and ideas. I'm going to figure out how to make all of this actually look appealing, I swear, I'll theme up this place sometime, but not at the moment. Thank you for reading/visiting!

Important stuffs!

-I go by many names. Some I like and just want to go by, others I feel a connection to. You may call me Helene, Sage, Tsuki, or just... buffporcupine or any variation of that.

-My interests include: writing, drawing (mainly portraits of my original characters), watching certain (Danganronpa, Death Note) anime, reading, and playing around with makeup.

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This was already linked in the default content of this website, but I'm keeping it because these tutorials saved my life here. TwT. tutorials!

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My links!

- About me, my art, my writing, and my original characters! !